On the fence about our services? Take a look at a few of our success stories!
“She told the Universe she wanted to write a book. Still unfinished, she began to feel, “But it’s not a real book, because I’m not a real author.” She had hit the Imposter Syndrome Wall. But the Universe nudged her attention over the Canadian border, spotlighting a talented man who answered questions and concerns in the same way any kind, compassionate wordsmith would – with patience, humor, and a stalwart belief in the story. And in her.
Assessment, copy-editing, encouragement, brainstorming, and more copy-editing ensued. Then Dustin walked the book all the way from its transformation into print and ebook formats to its successful debut on Amazon. The book was born. And the woman became a real author. (Though he told her she had been one all along.)
This book would have never seen the light of day without Dustin’s expertise, knowledge, and mentorship. To say thank you seems too small.”
“The Author’s Hand was a life saver! When my book just didn’t flow, Dustin took it and revamped, questioned, pointed out, and brought it together. I felt confident that it had been professionally gone over with a fine-tooth comb and necessary changes were made. It took the book to a whole new level once he read it. Everything was done the way you would expect from a professional with such in-depth experience about books and what makes them work. Dustin honored my request about keeping my voice and keeping it conversational (the style I preferred for this book). The Author’s Hand delivered exactly what they were meant to do - make the book readable!”
“When I started writing novels, after twenty years of writing non-fiction books on construction, although I was happy with my work, even close friends gave only sympathetic praise for my writing.
I met Dustin through a friend and I am so glad I did. He has taken me from being a neophyte writer to really understanding what I was doing right and especially how I can improve. His editing includes that of a writing coach, a serious one! He has been remarkably candid with me; lots of re-writes made me begin to learn the true art of creative writing.
More than that, his skillset includes all the complex work of preparing and uploading the manuscript on sales platforms. Any writer looking for a solid editor who can serve as a coach will be happy they found Dustin! He will help you succeed. ”
“Dustin’s work took mine to the next level! The Author’s Hand was one of several editing services I looked at. Dustin became my top choice because he delivered the right combination of decisiveness, hard work and humor. His positive coaching style combined creative respect with tempered accountability.
Dustin is an author’s best colleague and partner, because he sees what your story can become, even before you do. If you need to write an engaging book that is serious and dark or hilarious and edgy, Dustin is the editor for you. I would not go out on the publishing high wire without him.”
“I always wanted to write a novel. I even had the infamous ‘crappy first draft’ on my laptop. But it wasn’t good enough and I didn’t know how to improve it.
Enter Dustin and the Author’s Hand’s Mentorship program, which supported me throughout my journey from outlining to editing. With Dustin’s expert help and guidance, I was able to write, edit and self-publish my debut novel in two months! I couldn’t be happier and would recommend Dustin to any budding author out there. I learned so much and am eternally grateful.”
“Dustin is to the editing world what Jordan was to basketball. If I could have a line of literary shoes designed for him, I would - and they would enable him to walk on water and change water to whiskey.
Dustin read my manuscript and had it copyedited in 48 hours, then helped me get it up on Amazon within a fortnight. Watching Dustin work within the world of words and publishing was like watching Moses part the seas just to deliver a book to the other side - on a Monday. He’s smart, honest, efficient and dedicated. I have found the Gandalf the Grey of editing and it is Dustin Bilyk”
“I had little idea how to get my book edited and published until I went on the web and found Dustin at the Author’s Hand. He was just terrific in putting me at ease and guiding me through the editing process all the way through to publishing and showed me how to avoid pitfalls along the way. He was patient, understanding and I found his rates to be most reasonable.
I have no hesitation in recommending him to anyone who is wondering how to get their book out there.”
“Dustin is the perfect mix of patience, encouragement and brilliance. His prowess as an editor is hands down nothing short of magical. From his initial assessment of my very messy first draft (thanks for having faith in me!), through two rounds of developmental edits, Beta reader feedback, and more rounds of copy editing, Dustin was much more than my editor. He also played the roles of coach, mentor, collaborator, confidante and cheerleader. I truly could not have written my first non-fiction book, “Count Me In – A trailblazer’s triumph in a world not built for her” were it not for his patience, direction, encouragement, interest and humour. He literally coaxed a book out of my head and turned my vision into reality.
But Dustin’s support doesn’t stop there. He willingly shared his expertise on the process of self-publishing my book, holding my hand the whole way, providing his referral for my book cover designer when my designer came up short. (“Emily’s World of Design” is a superstar, by the way!) and uploading my files onto KDP/Amazon and Ingram Spark platforms when the book was ready to launch.
The Author’s Hand is your one-stop shop, molding your messy first draft into the book you were meant to write and will be proud to share!”
“As a self-published author, you must take on all the different roles of a traditional publisher. For me, the Author’s Hand was a godsend, helping me navigate through the editing process and beyond. Professional, timely, and equipped with years of experience, Dustin’s commitment to excellence took my book to the next level.
You need an editor for your book’s quality control. With Dustin and the Author’s Hand, you’re getting that, but you are getting so much more. I’ll be using his services on all my future releases.”