Dustin Bilyk is a professional book editor, ghostwriter, and author mentor. He works in Saskatoon, Canada with his dog, Bilbo. As you read this, he’s likely working on a book, surrounded by his various plants—all of them with their own names stolen from the several-hundred books littered throughout his place. He lives and breathes books, and if you’re interested in hiring him (me) click here.
Dustin is an accredited member of Editors Canada in good standing.
He has helped authors worldwide publish over 100 titles in the last five years alone.
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I was born just outside of Edmonton, Alberta. The son of two voracious readers, I first had The Hobbit read to me at the age of three, and I was only six when I started writing books of my own. Truly, I’ve never stopped writing, but it was only in my twenties that I shifted gears and began to take writing, and then editing, seriously.
In 2010, I graduated from the University of Alberta with a double major in History and English Literature, and soon thereafter began part-time freelance editing while working fulltime as a manager in municipal government. Those early years editing taught me a lot, and nearly fifty books and a dozen editing courses later, I quit my job in government and started the Author’s Hand in 2017.
Editing for authors and ghostwriting for clients all over the world is the culmination of a lifelong obsession I’ve had with reading and writing. Nearly thirty years after writing my first book (which shall never see the light of day!), here I am helping aspiring authors reach their dreams of publishing and sharing their novels with the world.
There isn’t anything else I’d rather be doing. This work is my life.